Delivery Business - An overview of the NYC market

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

In this report, I'll analyze data on the operations of Jumpman23, a fictitious business that operates in the New York City market. First, I'll get the overall picture of the market and then I'll deep dive into 3 topics: Customer Experience, Jumpmen efficiency and Logistics.

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv("analyze_me.csv")
delivery_id customer_id jumpman_id vehicle_type pickup_place place_category item_name item_quantity item_category_name how_long_it_took_to_order pickup_lat pickup_lon dropoff_lat dropoff_lon when_the_delivery_started when_the_Jumpman_arrived_at_pickup when_the_Jumpman_left_pickup when_the_Jumpman_arrived_at_dropoff
0 1457973 327168 162381 van Melt Shop American Lemonade 1.0 Beverages 00:19:58.582052 40.744607 -73.990742 40.752073 -73.985370 2014-10-26 13:51:59.898924 NaN NaN 2014-10-26 14:52:06.313088
1 1377056 64452 104533 bicycle Prince Street Pizza Pizza Neapolitan Rice Balls 3.0 Munchables 00:25:09.107093 40.723080 -73.994615 40.719722 -73.991858 2014-10-16 21:58:58.65491 2014-10-16 22:26:02.120931 2014-10-16 22:48:23.091253 2014-10-16 22:59:22.948873
2 1476547 83095 132725 bicycle Bareburger Burger Bare Sodas 1.0 Drinks 00:06:44.541717 40.728478 -73.998392 40.728606 -73.995143 2014-10-28 21:39:52.654394 2014-10-28 21:37:18.793405 2014-10-28 21:59:09.98481 2014-10-28 22:04:40.634962
3 1485494 271149 157175 bicycle Juice Press Juice Bar OMG! My Favorite Juice! 1.0 Cold Pressed Juices NaN 40.738868 -74.002747 40.751257 -74.005634 2014-10-30 10:54:11.531894 2014-10-30 11:04:17.759577 2014-10-30 11:16:37.895816 2014-10-30 11:32:38.090061
4 1327707 122609 118095 bicycle Blue Ribbon Sushi Japanese Spicy Tuna & Tempura Flakes 2.0 Maki (Special Rolls) 00:03:45.035418 40.726110 -74.002492 40.709323 -74.015867 2014-10-10 00:07:18.450505 2014-10-10 00:14:42.702223 2014-10-10 00:25:19.400294 2014-10-10 00:48:27.150595

Overall picture

In [3]:
from datetime import datetime as dt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
In [4]:
df["delivery_date"] = df.when_the_delivery_started.str.slice(0,10)
df.delivery_date = df.delivery_date.apply(lambda date: dt.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d'))

num_deliveries = df[["delivery_id", "delivery_date"]].groupby("delivery_date").nunique()
num_deliveries.columns = ["delivery_id", "temp"]

ax = plt.plot(num_deliveries.delivery_id)
ax = plt.xticks(rotation=45)
ax = plt.title("Number of deliveries in October, 2014")
print("Average number of deliveries per day: " + str(num_deliveries.delivery_id.mean()))
Average number of deliveries per day: 173.8
In [5]:
count     30.000000
mean     173.800000
std       31.700538
min      138.000000
25%      153.250000
50%      163.500000
75%      183.500000
max      265.000000
Name: delivery_id, dtype: float64

The number of deliveries in NYC lied between 138 and 265, with an average of 173.8 deliveries per day. One month of data is not enough time to spot any long term growth trend, but it would be useful to compare this number to past data of other cities that Jumpman23 entered.

Furthermore, we can see a cycle in the data. Let's explore it.

In [6]:
num_deliveries["delivery_weekday"] = num_deliveries.delivery_date.apply(lambda x: x.weekday())

weekday_deliveries = num_deliveries[["delivery_id", "delivery_weekday"]].groupby("delivery_weekday").delivery_id.sum()

ax = plt.plot(weekday_deliveries)
ax = plt.xticks(rotation=45)
ax = plt.title("Number of deliveries per weekday (0 = Monday)")

The result is reasonable. We have a higher volume of deliveries on Sundays and a lower volume on Mondays.

Let's now take a look at our user base:

In [7]:
print("Number of customers: " + str(len(df.customer_id.unique())))
print("Number of jumpmen: " + str(len(df.jumpman_id.unique())))
Number of customers: 3192
Number of jumpmen: 578

For the month of October, 2014, we had 3,192 active customers served by 578 jumpmen. Again, it would be useful to compare those numbers with historical data.

Finally, let's take a look at the density of deliveries by pickup location and dropoff location.

In [8]:
df["pickup_lat2"] = df.pickup_lat.apply(lambda x: round(x*100)/100)
df["pickup_lon2"] = df.pickup_lon.apply(lambda x: round(x*100)/100)
pickup_hm = df.groupby(["pickup_lat2", "pickup_lon2"]).delivery_id.nunique().reset_index()

hmap = folium.Map(titles="A", location=[df.pickup_lat.mean(), df.pickup_lon.mean()], zoom_start=12)

hm_wide = HeatMap( list(zip(pickup_hm.pickup_lat2.values, pickup_hm.pickup_lon2.values, pickup_hm.delivery_id.astype(float).values)),
                   radius=25, blur=15, 

loc = 'Density of delivery pickups'
title_html = '''
             <h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [9]:
df["dropoff_lat2"] = df.dropoff_lat.apply(lambda x: round(x*100)/100)
df["dropoff_lon2"] = df.dropoff_lon.apply(lambda x: round(x*100)/100)
dropoff_hm = df.groupby(["dropoff_lat2", "dropoff_lon2"]).delivery_id.nunique().reset_index()

hmap = folium.Map(location=[df.dropoff_lat.mean(), df.dropoff_lon.mean()], zoom_start=12)

hm_wide = HeatMap( list(zip(dropoff_hm.dropoff_lat2.values, dropoff_hm.dropoff_lon2.values, dropoff_hm.delivery_id.astype(float).values)),
                   radius=25, blur=15, 
loc = 'Density of delivery dropoffs'
title_html = '''
             <h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

We can see that both pickups and dropoffs are concentrated in Lower and Midtown Manhattan. One hypothesis is that, as most of Jumpan23 partnerships with pickup places are in Lower and Midtown Manhattan, the delivery time to other regions is high, which makes the customer experience not good. Then, it would make sense to expand the partnerships to other regions of Manhattan and even the suburbs of NYC. In the next topic section, I'll explore the delivery time.

Customer Experience

Here, I'm going to analyze customer behavior and experience in the platform. First, let's see how many orders per customer we had over time.

In [10]:
df["delivery_week"] = df.delivery_date.apply(lambda date: date.isocalendar()[1])

orders_per_cust = df[["delivery_id", "customer_id", "delivery_week"]].groupby("delivery_week").nunique()
orders_per_cust.columns = ["delivery_id", "customer_id", "temp"]

ax = plt.plot(orders_per_cust.delivery_id/orders_per_cust.customer_id)
ax = plt.title("Orders per customer per week")
print("Average orders per customer per week: " + str(orders_per_cust.delivery_id.sum()/orders_per_cust.customer_id.sum()))
print("Average orders per customer overall: " + str(df.delivery_id.nunique()/df.customer_id.nunique()))
Average orders per customer per week: 1.1769751693002257
Average orders per customer overall: 1.6334586466165413
count    3192.000000
mean        1.633459
std         1.402995
min         1.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         1.000000
75%         2.000000
max        23.000000
Name: delivery_id, dtype: float64

We had on average 1.63 orders per customer in NYC in October 2014, and on average 1.18 orders per week. Also, 75% of customers ordered twice or less, and the maximum number of orders for a customer was 23. We should try to increase the frequency of orders with promotions and targeted advertisement and we should retain yhe high frequency customers.

We can see a peak in week 42, but the standard deviation is pretty low. It would be interesting to compare those numbers with past data.

Let's now see how many items we have per order on average. Here, we have missing data for the item name, but we know that each row corresponds to a different item.

In [11]:
items_per_order = df.groupby("delivery_id").count().customer_id
print("# items per order: " + str(items_per_order.mean()))
# items per order: 1.1474875335634829
count    5214.000000
mean        1.147488
std         0.420915
min         1.000000
25%         1.000000
50%         1.000000
75%         1.000000
max         5.000000
Name: customer_id, dtype: float64

Most of the time, customers tend to order only 1 item in the platform, with a maximum value of 5 items. Therefore, the company should think of ways to make customers add more items in the checkout, as for example recommending other items that go well together.

In [12]:
Italian                  437
Burger                   395
American                 357
Japanese                 335
Dessert                  277
Chinese                  265
Sushi                    203
Salad                    192
Mexican                  165
Grocery Store            130
Bakery                   126
BBQ                      114
Pizza                     94
Juice Bar                 91
Indian                    80
Fast Food                 80
Donut                     71
Seafood                   69
Drug Store                68
Mediterranean             61
Vegetarian                60
Coffee                    60
Deli                      56
Middle Eastern            56
Ice Cream                 54
Gluten-Free               53
Breakfast                 45
Shop                      41
South American            33
Steak                     31
Thai                      31
French                    24
Southern                  23
Promo                     19
Vegan                     19
Electronics Store         19
Korean                    18
Food Truck                17
Convenience Store         17
Spanish                   12
Asian                     11
Eastern European          10
Department Store           9
Russian                    8
Caribbean                  6
Vietnamese                 6
Office Supplies Store      5
Specialty Store            5
German                     4
Kids & Baby                3
Beauty Supply              2
Clothing                   1
Book Store                 1
Pet Supplies Store         1
Restaurant                 1
Art Store                  1
African                    1
Name: delivery_id, dtype: int64

The top place category ordered in NYC is Italian, followed by Burger and American. The least ordered category is Clothing, tied up with other categories like Book Store. Therefore, the company should understand if people are not interested by clothing and books, or if the platform doesn't provide a good experience in those categories (few places or few items available).

In [13]:
Shake Shack                  266
Momofuku Milk Bar            162
The Meatball Shop            153
sweetgreen                   138
Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken    115
Rai Rai Ken                    1
Grimaldi's Pizza               1
Grimaldi's Pizzeria            1
Rag & Bone Showroom            1
Doughnuttery                   1
Name: delivery_id, Length: 898, dtype: int64

The top place ordered in NYC is Shake Shack, so Jumpman should maintain a good relationship with this stakeholder.

Let's now see how long it takes for a customer to place an order.

In [14]:
df.how_long_it_took_to_order = df.how_long_it_took_to_order.apply(lambda date: dt.strptime(date, '%H:%M:%S.%f') if date==date else date)
In [15]:
df["seconds_to_order"] = df.how_long_it_took_to_order.apply(lambda time: time.minute*60 + time.second if time != None else time)

time_to_order = df.groupby("delivery_id").seconds_to_order.agg(["mean", "count"]).dropna()
time_to_order["avg_time"] = time_to_order["mean"]/time_to_order["count"]
print("Avg time to place an order (minutes): " + str(time_to_order["mean"].mean()/60))
print("Avg time per item to place an order (minutes): " + str(time_to_order.avg_time.mean()/60))
Avg time to place an order (minutes): 7.620712162336823
Avg time per item to place an order (minutes): 6.953561350221879

It takes around 7.6 minutes for customers to order in the platform, and around 7 minutes per item. It would be useful to compare those values with past data from other cities, as well.

Jumpmen efficiency

In [16]:
from datetime import timedelta as td
import seaborn as sns

Let's now analyse the operations from the perspective of the Jumpmen. First, it is interesting to know the number of deliveries each Jumpmen performs on average.

In [17]:
dlvrs_per_jumpman = df.groupby("jumpman_id").delivery_id.nunique()
plt.hist(dlvrs_per_jumpman, bins=15)
plt.title("Distribution of # of deliveries per jumpman")
count    578.000000
mean       9.020761
std       10.324354
min        1.000000
25%        2.000000
50%        5.000000
75%       12.000000
max       67.000000
Name: delivery_id, dtype: float64
In [18]:
99219     67
142394    67
104533    67
30743     52
3296      50
Name: delivery_id, dtype: int64

Most of Jumpmen delivered only once, which is a low number. Jumpman23 should think of ways to increase loyalty of jumpmen, as for example creating targets of number of deliveries and rewarding jumpmen for that.

On average, they deliver around 9 times and the maximum number of deliveries was 67. The top performers, as '99219', should get incentives to stay in the platform.

Let's see the number of active Jumpmen over time.

In [19]:
ax = plt.xticks(rotation=45)
plt.title("% utilization of Jumpmen")
Text(0.5, 1.0, '% utilization of Jumpmen')

From the active Jumpmen in October 2014, we had a % of utilization ranging between 14% and 22% per day. However, we can't reach any conclusions with this data, because we don't know if the remaining Jumpmen were connected to the platform waiting for deliveries or if they were offline.

Let's now see how long it takes to commute around the city. As for some deliveries the delivery started after the Jumpman arrived at the pickup, I'll consider that it took 0 minutes to commute in these cases.

In [20]:
df["pickup_commute_time"] = df.when_the_Jumpman_arrived_at_pickup.apply(lambda time: dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if time==time else time)-df.when_the_delivery_started.apply(lambda time: dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if time==time else time)
df.pickup_commute_time = df.pickup_commute_time.apply(lambda x: 0 if x.days < 0 else x.seconds/60)

df["dropoff_commute_time"] = df.when_the_Jumpman_arrived_at_dropoff.apply(lambda time: dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if time==time else time)-df.when_the_Jumpman_left_pickup.apply(lambda time: dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if time==time else time)
df.dropoff_commute_time = df.dropoff_commute_time.apply(lambda x: 0 if x.days < 0 else x.seconds/60)

df["total_commute_time"] = df.pickup_commute_time + df.dropoff_commute_time
total_commute_time = df.groupby(["jumpman_id", "delivery_id"]).total_commute_time.mean().reset_index()
In [21]:
total_commute_per_jumpman = total_commute_time.groupby("jumpman_id").total_commute_time.mean()

ax = plt.hist(total_commute_per_jumpman, bins=50)
plt.title("Distribution of commute time per jumpman")

C:\Users\fellipefcm\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater_equal
  keep = (tmp_a >= first_edge)
C:\Users\fellipefcm\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  keep &= (tmp_a <= last_edge)
count    565.000000
mean      26.953660
std       10.442533
min        2.316667
25%       19.866667
50%       26.152381
75%       32.142857
max       84.333333
Name: total_commute_time, dtype: float64

On average, a Jumpman takes around 27 minutes commuting in NYC picking up and dropping off. The fastest Jumpman took on average 2.3 minutes and the slowest, 84.3 minutes on average. The fast ones are probably lucky to get pickup and dropoff locations close to each other. However, it would be interesting to understand why some jumpmen are taking almost 1 hour and a half to commute. It may be due to traffic, pickup and dropoff not close to each other, slow mean of transportation or other inefficiency.

Let's now break down the commute time into pickup and dropoff commute time.

In [22]:
pickup_commute_time = df.groupby(["jumpman_id", "delivery_id", "pickup_lat2", "pickup_lon2"]).pickup_commute_time.mean().reset_index()

pickup_commute_per_jumpman = pickup_commute_time.groupby("jumpman_id").pickup_commute_time.mean()

ax = plt.hist(pickup_commute_per_jumpman, bins=40)
plt.title("Distribution of pickup commute time per jumpman")

count    565.000000
mean      11.871461
std        6.985575
min        0.000000
25%        6.700000
50%       11.400000
75%       16.328431
max       38.472222
Name: pickup_commute_time, dtype: float64

The distribution of pickup commute time is a little different. We have a considerable amount of Jumpmen that arrived at the pickup before the delivery started. On average, it took around 12 minutes for Jumpmen to pick up an order, with a maximum average time of 38.5 minutes for some Jumpman, probably because they were assigned more distant pickups or because they usually work during peak traffic hours.

In [23]:
dropoff_commute_time = df.groupby(["jumpman_id", "delivery_id", "dropoff_lat2", "dropoff_lon2"]).dropoff_commute_time.mean().reset_index()

dropoff_commute_per_jumpman = dropoff_commute_time.groupby("jumpman_id").dropoff_commute_time.mean()

ax = plt.hist(dropoff_commute_per_jumpman, bins=40)
plt.title("Distribution of dropoff commute time per jumpman")

count    565.000000
mean      15.082199
std        7.332435
min        0.833333
25%       10.689000
50%       13.626667
75%       17.208333
max       69.616667
Name: dropoff_commute_time, dtype: float64

The dropoff distribution looks more gaussian. On average, Jumpmen took 15 minutes to drop orders off, with a maximum average time of 69.6 for some Jumpman, probably because they were assigned distant dropoffs or because they usually work during peak traffic hours.

We can see that dropoff is slightly slower than pickup. It would be useful for Jumpman23 to do a deep dive on those anomalous drivers to understand if they are slow because of external factors like traffic, distance and mean of transportation, or because they are not efficient.

It is usufel to analyze the commute time versus the pickup and dropoff location, to see if places distant from Lower and Midtown Manhattan have a higher commute time because Jumpmen and places are concentrated in that region.

In [24]:
pickup_hm = df.groupby(["pickup_lat2", "pickup_lon2", "delivery_id"]).mean().groupby(["pickup_lat2", "pickup_lon2"]).pickup_commute_time.mean().reset_index()

hmap = folium.Map(titles="A", location=[df.pickup_lat.mean(), df.pickup_lon.mean()], zoom_start=12)

hm_wide = HeatMap( list(zip(pickup_hm.pickup_lat2.values, pickup_hm.pickup_lon2.values, pickup_hm.pickup_commute_time.values)),
                   radius=25, blur=15, 

loc = 'Density of delivery pickup time'
title_html = '''
             <h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [25]:
dropoff_hm = df.groupby(["dropoff_lat2", "dropoff_lon2", "delivery_id"]).mean().groupby(["dropoff_lat2", "dropoff_lon2"]).dropoff_commute_time.mean().reset_index()

hmap = folium.Map(titles="A", location=[df.dropoff_lat.mean(), df.dropoff_lon.mean()], zoom_start=12)

hm_wide = HeatMap( list(zip(dropoff_hm.dropoff_lat2.values, dropoff_hm.dropoff_lon2.values, dropoff_hm.dropoff_commute_time.values)),
                   radius=25, blur=15, 

loc = 'Density of delivery dropoff time'
title_html = '''
             <h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

We can see that places far from the Lower and Midtown Manhattan have considerably higher commute times, especially dropoff commute time. This validates our initial hypothesis that people in the suburbs are having a worse experience. Jumpman23 should consider expanding the partnerships with businesses in those distant neighbourhoods.

Let's now analyze the time Jumpmen spend waiting to pick up.

In [26]:
df["wait_time"] = df.when_the_Jumpman_left_pickup.apply(lambda time: dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if time==time else time)-df.when_the_Jumpman_arrived_at_pickup.apply(lambda time: dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if time==time else time)
df.wait_time = df.wait_time.apply(lambda x: 0 if x.days < 0 else x.seconds/60)

wait_time = df.groupby(["jumpman_id", "delivery_id", "place_category", "pickup_place"]).wait_time.mean().reset_index()

wait_time_per_jumpman = wait_time.groupby("jumpman_id").wait_time.mean()

ax = plt.hist(wait_time_per_jumpman, bins=40)
plt.title("Distribution of wait time per jumpman")

count    540.000000
mean      19.303562
std        7.511331
min        5.816667
25%       14.665972
50%       17.848395
75%       21.967666
max      101.866667
Name: wait_time, dtype: float64

We have again a near normal distribution, with some anomalous cases. On average, a Jumpman waits for around 20 minutes in the pickup location, and it varies from 6 to 100 minutes. It is very important to understand what happened with the Jumpman who waited 100 minutes, because it affects a lot the customer experience. It could be a problem in the pickup place, in the data collection or a problem with the driver.

Let's now segment the wating time by place category.

In [27]:
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(30,10))
sns.set(font_scale = 2)
sns.boxplot(x=wait_time.place_category, y=wait_time.wait_time)
ax = plt.xticks(rotation=90)
In [28]:
Art Store        42.350000
Grocery Store    40.759821
Russian          10.145833
Shop              8.585897
Name: wait_time, dtype: float64

The fastest waiting time were on the categories Russian and Shop, while the slowest were on the cateogories Art Store (few data points, though) and Grocery Store. It makes sense, as usually doing groceries is very time consumming. It would be interesting to find ways of speeding up the grocery shopping, but this would require cooperation from both Jumpmen and the grocery stores.

In [29]:
Denny's                  51.733333
Friend of a Farmer       51.000000
Lantern Thai Kitchen     50.300000
Trader Joe's             47.668803
Gemma at Bowery Hotel    46.333333
Name: wait_time, dtype: float64

The slowest place was Denny's, a dinner restaurant chain, followed by Friend of a Farmer. Jumpman23 should investigate why waiting time is so high in those places.


In [30]:
import math
import numpy as np

Here, I'm going to check how the logistics operation is doing. I'll first start by segmenting the means of transportation.

In [31]:
y = df.groupby("vehicle_type").delivery_id.nunique().sort_values()
sns.set(font_scale = 1)
ax = plt.xticks(rotation=45),y)
plt.title("# of deliveries per vehicle type")
Text(0.5, 1.0, '# of deliveries per vehicle type')

Most of the deliveries are currently done by bycicle.

Let's see how the vehicle type affects the commute speed.

In [32]:
R = 6371e3
phi1 = df.pickup_lat * math.pi/180
phi2 = df.dropoff_lat * math.pi/180;
delta_phi = (df.dropoff_lat-df.pickup_lat) * math.pi/180;
delta_lambda = (df.dropoff_lon-df.pickup_lon) * math.pi/180;

a = np.sin(delta_phi/2) * np.sin(delta_phi/2) + np.cos(phi1) * np.cos(phi2) * np.sin(delta_lambda/2) * np.sin(delta_lambda/2)
c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1-a))

K = 0.000621371
df["pickup_dropoff_distance"] = R * c * K # in miles
In [33]:
commute_per_veh = df.groupby(["vehicle_type", "delivery_id"])[["pickup_dropoff_distance", "dropoff_commute_time"]].mean().reset_index()
commute_per_veh["veh_speed"] = commute_per_veh.pickup_dropoff_distance*60/commute_per_veh.dropoff_commute_time
sns.boxplot(x=commute_per_veh.vehicle_type, y=commute_per_veh.veh_speed)
(0, 40)
In [34]:
speed_per_veh = commute_per_veh.groupby("vehicle_type").sum()
speed_per_veh.veh_speed = speed_per_veh.pickup_dropoff_distance*60/speed_per_veh.dropoff_commute_time
bicycle       5.016317
walker        5.069557
van           5.258920
car           6.076134
scooter       6.080280
motorcycle    6.557026
truck         6.954760
Name: veh_speed, dtype: float64

Here, I used the linear distance between 2 coordinates to calculate the speed. For distant points that is a fair approximation, but for closeby points it can underestimate a lot the real distance. Having said that, the truck is the fastest mean of transportation, with an average speed of 7 miles per hour, while the bicycle and walker are the slowest, with an average speed of 5 miles per hour.

Ideally, we should use walker, bicycle and scooter for lower quantities and cars, vans and trucks for larger quantities delivered. I'll check if this is happening now.

In [35]:
df.groupby(["vehicle_type", "delivery_id"]).item_quantity.sum().groupby("vehicle_type").mean().sort_values()
van           1.028986
scooter       1.046875
motorcycle    1.052632
walker        1.106838
bicycle       1.131283
car           1.175238
truck         1.342105
Name: item_quantity, dtype: float64

Indeed, trucks deliver a larger quantity than the other vehicles, but the van delivers the smallest quantity. Let's check the types of items delivered by vans.

In [36]:
df.query("vehicle_type == 'van'").head(20)
delivery_id customer_id jumpman_id vehicle_type pickup_place place_category item_name item_quantity item_category_name how_long_it_took_to_order ... pickup_lon2 dropoff_lat2 dropoff_lon2 delivery_week seconds_to_order pickup_commute_time dropoff_commute_time total_commute_time wait_time pickup_dropoff_distance
0 1457973 327168 162381 van Melt Shop American Lemonade 1.0 Beverages 1900-01-01 00:19:58.582052 ... -73.99 40.75 -73.99 43 1198.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.587489
223 1486133 41409 171206 van Juice Press Juice Bar Heaven on Earth 1.0 Raw Superfood Smoothies NaT ... -74.00 40.72 -74.00 44 NaN 3.933333 8.183333 12.116667 9.950000 0.327759
505 1431040 328072 165830 van Momoya Sushi California 2.0 Roll 1900-01-01 00:05:39.015509 ... -73.98 40.72 -74.00 43 339.0 34.716667 28.033333 62.750000 6.833333 4.221099
515 1338928 42188 104146 van Parm Italian Ricotta Toast 1.0 Bread 1900-01-01 00:05:38.132818 ... -74.00 40.74 -73.99 41 338.0 21.616667 11.416667 33.033333 5.933333 1.222114
588 1402218 328849 165830 van Momofuku Noodle Bar NaN Momofuku Ramen 1.0 Bowls NaT ... -73.98 40.73 -73.99 42 NaN 15.616667 8.583333 24.200000 28.816667 0.404428
599 1336969 372695 104146 van Russ & Daughters Seafood Pastrami Russ 1.0 Sandwiches NaT ... -73.99 40.73 -74.01 41 NaN 4.083333 27.933333 32.016667 13.816667 1.331715
652 1407290 166010 162381 van The Body Shop NaN NaN NaN NaN NaT ... -73.98 40.77 -73.99 43 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.768850
1024 1276907 325403 146428 van Duane Reade Drug Store NaN NaN NaN NaT ... -73.97 40.79 -73.97 40 NaN 0.000000 2.016667 2.016667 11.616667 0.120844
1055 1455748 373311 171206 van Ess-a-Bagel Bakery Plain Tofu 1.0 Sandwiches - Cream Cheese/Tofu NaT ... -73.98 40.72 -73.98 43 NaN 9.716667 13.000000 22.716667 7.583333 0.841076
1096 1474580 355445 165830 van Burger King NaN NaN NaN NaN NaT ... -73.98 40.76 -73.96 44 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.811847
1111 1467153 41378 171206 van Starbucks Coffee NaN NaN NaN NaT ... -73.99 40.73 -73.99 44 NaN 30.950000 7.200000 38.150000 11.950000 0.181007
1143 1294745 91274 104146 van Ngam Thai NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 00:03:47.659952 ... -73.99 40.72 -73.98 40 227.0 21.966667 12.650000 34.616667 4.816667 0.828400
1189 1476070 130507 171206 van Hu Kitchen Gluten-Free 1/2 Organic Rotisserie Chicken 1.0 Lunch + Dinner (M-F 11:30a-Close, Sa-Su 12p-Cl... NaT ... -73.99 40.74 -74.00 44 NaN 6.366667 7.650000 14.016667 17.950000 0.633435
1355 1397463 69816 165830 van Boqueria Spanish Ensalada de Hinojo y Gambas 1.0 Ensaladas 1900-01-01 00:10:48.986444 ... -74.00 40.79 -73.95 42 648.0 32.366667 50.783333 83.150000 9.816667 5.053266
1395 1439576 93505 171206 van Momofuku Noodle Bar NaN Spicy Miso Ramen 1.0 Bowls NaT ... -73.98 40.72 -74.00 43 NaN 10.416667 15.316667 25.733333 32.400000 1.012638
1493 1407199 297130 162381 van Doughnut Plant Chelsea Donut iced Tea 1.0 Iced Drinks NaT ... -74.00 40.74 -74.00 43 NaN 8.933333 4.300000 13.233333 17.816667 0.636527
1504 1411636 57943 162381 van Pinkberry Ice Cream NaN NaN NaN NaT ... -73.95 40.77 -73.95 43 NaN 0.000000 6.916667 6.916667 8.316667 0.428201
1591 1293696 87151 104146 van sweetgreen Salad Organic Lentil + Chickpea Soup 1.0 Soup 1900-01-01 00:06:29.159216 ... -74.01 40.72 -74.00 40 389.0 39.600000 10.533333 50.133333 6.333333 0.533198
1646 1412044 50633 162381 van Serafina Fabulous Pizza Italian Carciofi E Parmigiano 1.0 Insalate 1900-01-01 00:07:33.388857 ... -73.96 40.77 -73.96 43 453.0 8.383333 11.750000 20.133333 7.333333 0.719871
1704 1398882 98219 165830 van Kum Gang San NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900-01-01 00:12:35.741762 ... -73.99 40.76 -73.99 42 755.0 7.250000 11.066667 18.316667 38.333333 0.798432

20 rows × 30 columns

It seems that regular meals are being delivered by trucks in small quantities, which is not optimal. Maybe Jumpman23 should try to implement a shared delivery system, where trucks, vans and cars pick items up in more than 1 place and deliver to multiple customers. In order for that to work, we need to verify if we have multiple orders in nearby pickup and dropoff places.

In [37]:
df.when_the_delivery_started = df.when_the_delivery_started.apply(lambda date: dt.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') if date==date else date)
In [38]:
start = dt.fromisoformat('2014-10-05 12:49:30')
end = start + td(minutes=2)

df_map = df.query("when_the_delivery_started >= @start and when_the_delivery_started <= @end")

pickups = df_map[['pickup_lat', 'pickup_lon']]
pickup_list = pickups.values.tolist()
dropoffs = df_map[['dropoff_lat', 'dropoff_lon']]
dropoff_list = dropoffs.values.tolist()

hmap = folium.Map(titles="A", location=[df.pickup_lat.mean(), df.pickup_lon.mean()], zoom_start=12)

for i in range(len(pickups)):
    folium.Marker(pickup_list[i], icon=folium.Icon(color='green')).add_to(hmap)
    folium.Marker(dropoff_list[i], icon=folium.Icon(color='red')).add_to(hmap)

loc = 'Pickup and dropoff locations in a time window of 2 minutes'
title_html = '''
             <h3 align="center" style="font-size:16px"><b>{}</b></h3>
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

In the example above, we can see that 2 of the 3 pickup points in green are very close to each other in a time interval of 2 minutes (in an interval of 2 minutes, we started those 3 deliveries in the map). This means that there was an opportunity for a Jumpman to do multiple pickups and then drop the orders off in each dropoff location. Jumpan23 coould then implement an online routing system to assign multiple nearby pickup and dropoff points to drivers. The customer could wait 2 minutes for the routing algorithm to find other orders, for example.